Project Remove Heat Loss in Spurvegaarden

On behalf of a district heating company in Hvidovre, we are going to renovate the district heating pipelines and establish a heating plant in Spurvegaarden, a housing estate section in Hvidovre. The project is called “Remove Heat Loss”. The aim is to make the district heating system more efficient and give the residents of Spurvegaarden even more heat for their money.

In the first part of the project, excavation work will be carried out, and new top-insulated pipelines will be established to supply each block with heat. The next part of the project is the establishment of an efficient plant for each block. A heating plant in each block means that the heat loss is further minimised because each block is supplied directly from the district heating system. In the final phase of the project, heat meters will be installed on the radiators in the apartments.

Project Remove Heat Loss in Spurvegaarden

On behalf of a district heating company in Hvidovre, we are going to renovate the district heating pipelines and establish a heating plant in Spurvegaarden, a housing estate section in Hvidovre. The project is called “Remove Heat Loss”. The aim is to make the district heating system more efficient and give the residents of Spurvegaarden even more heat for their money.

In the first part of the project, excavation work will be carried out, and new top-insulated pipelines will be established to supply each block with heat. The next part of the project is the establishment of an efficient plant for each block. A heating plant in each block means that the heat loss is further minimised because each block is supplied directly from the district heating system. In the final phase of the project, heat meters will be installed on the radiators in the apartments.